Major Leauge Muscle Building Program

What You Should Have

Muscle building is a long process that takes months for obvious results. First of all, if you're not looking forward to getting into the gym any more, that may be a sign. It is true, you have to decide what you want to do and since you want to build muscle, you need to increase overall caloric intake.

One more very important ingredient in a muscle building diet and every muscle building program should go over is water. While you are working out in the gym you are stimulating your muscles but it is only when resting that your muscles get a chance to recover. Once you know exactly why you should never listen to that "buff guy" at your gym, you'll have an unfair advantage over all the rest who hang on his every word.

Weight Training

Weight Training Periodization Learn how to incorporate weight training periodization into your training and you will unlock all of your muscle building potential. We will go against the grain and gain weight fast. Guess how many people perform weight training exercises correctly.

Protein Tip: To promote a positive nitrogen balance, use approximately 1 to 2 grams of protein per pound of body weight per day from a combination of high protein foods and supplements. If you want to succeed and build muscle mass fast you have to follow some basics principles and the first one is lift heavy weights with low repetitions, usually about 70-80 percent of your max strength this will put a lot of pressure on the muscle and give them a really good workout. A great muscle building program is based around this princible.


Don't try and get big off of mc Donalds' or you'll end up harshly over weight and in worse shape then you were to start out with. This male hormone is what builds muscle and it needs protein, carbs and fat if you want to build muscle.

There are some major key parts to a successful muscle building program. One major aspect of body building includes diet and nutrition. There is so much conflicting information out there when it comes to the topic of building muscle, and sometimes it can be very difficult to know where to start.

Building Mass

Mass plus strength doesn't always equal increased speed. With a little intelligent bodybuilding training, you can build muscle mass and gain weight fast. A solid muscle mass building program won't take anything more than a little intelligence and a few extra hours a week to implement so.

Yes, the foods you choose will be one of the deciding factors as to the kind of mass you want to gain. A diet high in quality nutrients will produce much better results for building muscle mass and maintaining body fat levels than a diet high in fat and processed foods. If you can do this, while training hard and heavy, you will gain quality muscle mass while maintaining current body fat levels. Choice of food is the real key to building lean muscle mass. I suggest you do the following: Find your starting point; Multiply your body weight by 20 to get your base starting caloric intake for adding mass.


Some elite athletes perform special exercises specific to their sports to improve the neural stimulation of their muscles, and many do weight training to build more muscle. Besides making muscles bigger, anabolic steroids may help athletes recover from a hard workout more quickly by reducing the amount of muscle damage that occurs during the session. In fact, these studies show that supplemental andro stenedione doesn't increase testosterone and that your muscles don't get stronger with andro use. Creatine monohydrate is a compound produced by your body that helps release energy in your muscles. Creatine helps muscles make and circulate more adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Creatine is stored in your muscles, and levels are relatively easily maintained.

These are some Muscle building and weight lifting tips that work. You can try following these techniques for excellent muscle building. Ensure that you don't listen to every piece of advice you hear in the gym or read on a message board. In case you are planning to get involved in muscle building, just ensure that you create your training in such a way that it includes all muscle groups. Most beginners and even a lot of seasoned gym goers can't. It also can't hurt to talk to your doctor before choosing any muscle building supplements as well.


You will find truckloads more bodybuilding tips in his manual then you ever thought possible as well as everything else the R.I.P.P.E.D. program has to offer.

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What's Wrong With Your Weight Training Program

Check These 5 Things

Here's a really simple way... to tune up your weight lifting workout routine by just implementing 5 simple techniques.

There is a way to common problem now-a-days where people just are wasting there time in the gym, by incorrect eduction or just flat out they have not been given any Information before starting a weigh lifting or bodybuilding workout routine.

Lets get right into things here... my first tip is... Take one week off from training every 8 - 10 weeks.

I mean it does not seem like the common sense thing to do at first, but if you look back after and see the results for yourself it will click in as the common sense thing to do.It is a fact that a majority of people training have a phycological barrier from taking a week off from training. People think they will become weaker, but this is not the case.

The truth of the matter is if you eat just as you would if you where training and don't do any physically straining activities you will actually come back stronger and bigger. And if you decide to train that week you are potentially going to get weaker and smaller.

2. Train every muscle group every 5 - 7 days.

This is called your [GRP] or growth recovery period. This is actually the time frame where your muscles actually grow. Of course the best way to do this is to work out 5 days on then 2 days off, but making sure you never do the same muscle group every 5 - 7 days.

I mean it may be hard for you to actually setup your routine like this but once you do you will be seeing amazing results. If you fail to do this there is a very good chance you will see negative results, decrease in energy levels, and even see your appetite fail as well.

3. You must have maximum intensity on every single rep.

Now having proper intensity is very important to achieving the best body you want in minimal time. It is the secret to getting the most out of every single rep. It is a staggering percentage but around %95 of people training today don't train with proper intensity.

You are wasting a lot of time in the gym by not training with their maximum intensity... you could get a lot more done in around half the time. Intensity is a bit more complex and is the 3rd pillar to R.I.P.P.E.D. training and we are talking about something entirely different today.

Intensity is also what separates the men from the boys. Your muscle is not going to grow unless you force it to.

4. Each workout should last around 30 - 45 minutes.

Now, when you don't train with the best intensity and takeyour time in the gym, you are usually there for a while. But when you start actually training right with your maximum intensity and start knowing how many sets you should do for your current state and also your rest time between sets it should all fall around 30 - 45 minutes.

Now when you start doing this all right 30 - 45 minutes out of your day is nothing and 5 days a week is doable. And also don't forget you be getting better results than you would be if you where taking your time, by a landslide.

5. And finally, train a maximum of 1 - 2 muscle groups per session.

Once you have your sessions set up real nice you will be able to see that everything is set up perfect you will see you will never train over 1 - 2 muscle groups per day per session.

This is great because if you remember our last steps it allows you to follow all the other rules also including the one where your sessions are only 30 - 45 minutes.

You will see you are getting stroneger and more ripped while doing LESS.


When I started implementing these thechniques I could never believe how fast I was building muscle... I was astonished. I never knew the human body was capable of such effiency and peak performance. I guess it was the peak performance caged in me.

And guess what research proven, you can do it too. I recommend picking up a copy of R.I.P.P.E.D. Weight Training this is just what I learned in the first few pages.

Well now how are you going to benefit unless you put it to action? You won't simply. An amazing %90 of readers who see this will not value from this info, due yourself a favour and join the %10.

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High Intensity Training

The Truth And Simplicity Behind High Intensity Training

I wanted to take this opportunity to talk about intensity. The word intense gets used too much I think for things that aren’t intense. It’s in the kid’s slang, “that’s intense,” and they apply it to things to indicate something is pretty cool in their opinion. That’s OK, but it downgrades the real meaning of the word intense.

Webster’s dictionary defines intense as taking something to an extreme degree. That is what I am talking about! You want to have an intense workout every time. Taking that to a deeper level; you want to do every session, every set, and every rep with intensity. When you do that you are achieving what I call RIPPED Intensity. This is one of the Pillars of the R.I.P.P.E.D. Weight Training System.

This is one of the keys to getting a transformation in the quickest, most efficient way possible.

An example of having this RIPPED Intensity is thinking about your grip on the weight. Everyone has to grip the weight, no kidding, but how you do it is what I am talking about. Not your actual grip or your hand position; I am talking about holding the weight like someone is trying to tear it out of your hand. Hold on to it like you are hanging on a tree branch over the Grand Canyon. Do you get the picture? This is only one aspect of intensity, and the best way to get results is having these sorts of things in your head all the time you are at the gym. It is like you are turning on a switch as you are heading for the gym and then amping up the energy at you hit the floor and get into your routine.

Your intensity in all things is what can take you to the next level with your lifting and muscle development. Have you ever gotten stuck at a plateau? All of us have. You are benching X amount of weight and maybe you have a mental block about putting on that next plate. Many times this is a ‘benchmark’ weight level, if you can excuse the pun. It was many years that the four minute mile stood as a record. Runners had it in their heads that it couldn’t be broken, but as soon as it was broken, it was like the dam broke, and a few people went sub-four quickly after Roger Bannister did it.

The trick to breaking these barriers is intensity. Maybe you have a block about benching 200 pounds, or 300. Whatever level you are at, you know what I am talking about. Ratchet up your intensity and you will be surprised at what you can accomplish. Remember, what you believe you can achieve.

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You Aren't Going To Grow Muscle

Unless you give your muscles what the need to grow!

The saying ‘you are what you eat’ really is true. When you are trying to build a better physique the proportions of what you eat are a large part of the gains that you make. When I say proportions, I am talking about the percentages of protein, carbohydrates and fats that you take into your body. This is nothing new, I’m sure you are thinking, but let me get into this a little deeper and maybe you will have a better understanding of this.

The basic facts do not change. There are many fads and theories out there, but I want to set the record straight when it comes to nutrition. The general idea is that you want to have something like a 30/40/30 split for protein/carbs/fat. This may be a good idea for general nutrition, but for building your body, you need to up the ante.

What you really need to do is think about your goals, where you are at in your quest, how much you currently weigh and what level your training is at. I go into this in more detail in the RIPPED Weight Training e-book, but simply put, the more you train, and the higher your intensity you need to increase the amount of intake and switch up the percentages. The higher your training level the more calories, protein and fat you need.

Percentages aren’t all you need to think about though. What exactly are you eating? Are you getting your calories from Twinkies or tuna? Are your fats from beef or from fish? The quality of food you consume is extremely important when you want to build a body worth showing. The less processed foods you eat, the better.

The other thing I will say is; don’t get obsessed with having exact amounts in your diet! What I mean by this is if you are close to the amounts you need, don’t stress out about “Oh, I’m only at 22% fats, what am I going to do to get that other 3%?” Relax, already! The effort you are putting into this can’t be distracting to your overall fitness and bodybuilding goals. Get close to what you need and forget about it. Obsessing and getting all anal about your diet isn’t going to help your gain. Remember the positive thinking mode. If you are thinking ‘Oh, my diet isn’t right, that’s going to effect my intensity.” Well, if you have it in your mind that it will effect your intensity, then it is going to effect your intensity. Let it go and move ahead already!

The next thing I want to talk about is supplements. Everyone uses them, but not many people really understand what they are putting in their body. Again, I am not going to go into too much detail here, but minimally you want to be using creatine, and some sort of whey-isolate protein powder. You pretty much can’t go wrong with these. I will say though, if you have liver or kidney problems, talk with your doctor before taking creatine. It is tough to get some of your percentages close without using supplemental nutrition, so I strongly urge you to educate yourself on this aspect of your diet.

Remember, diet and training cannot be thought of as two separate things. They must work together to help you reach your goals. I don’t care if your goal is to be the next Mr. Olympia, gain 20 pounds of pure muscle or lower your fat percentage. Nutrition and fitness go hand in hand as you are building your body. As I said, you are what you eat, so make sure you think about what you are putting into your body.

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Your Strength Training Routine

Proportionality, What You Need To Know

One of the main things you need to strive for when you are at the gym is proportionality. Many times I will see guys walking around with a chest and arms that are huge, but they wear sweat pants because they don’t want you to see how they ignore their leg workouts. Give me a break with that stuff; you need to work out so your body is a matching set.

There are questions about the best way to accomplish this goal. Nearly everyone you see has some part that is out of proportion. Even some of the top dogs in the business have aspects that are slightly out of proportion. The trick to getting your body into top shape is staying with a strategic steady schedule. It’s not really a trick, but more like common sense, but you wouldn’t think so if you look around the gym.

There are a few different ways to accomplish this goal, but I think that I have found the best way. Dividing your time between your different parts is a must. When I am talking about ‘different parts’ I am meaning one day you concentrate on chest, one day legs, etc. Rotation of exercise is also key factor to keeping your body guessing at what is coming up next. For example, if you are doing bicep exercises you don’t want to do hammer curls day after day and think that your biceps are going to have the best shape ever!

You have to mix it up in various fashions. To start with, staying with the same example, hammer curls are a compound exercise, involving many more muscles than just the bicep. So, you want to do some isolation exercises to shock the muscle; jump on the preacher curls, or crank up the weight or turn your sets upside down. There are lots of ways to get that shock to your system that is going to promote maximum growth and sculpt the muscle the way you want it to be. Of course, I go into this in much more detail in my RIPPED Weight Training book.

That sort of shock to your muscles promotes better development of the muscles, but an even bigger part of the proportionality is making sure your body parts match. Do you have one bicep bigger than the other? Do you have the toothpick legs? Be honest with yourself. If you think other people are so struck with your arms that they don’t notice your legs (or your long sweat pants in the middle of summer) you are wrong. The greatest structures on earth have the best foundations. Your legs are your foundation; you need to make them strong and solid, like the base of a pyramid.

Give yourself an honest assessment and have a friend critique you. Tell them to be brutally honest and then don’t get all defensive. At least don’t let them know you are unhappy about what they say. They are doing you a favor, so be a man about it and thank them.

The thing I am really trying to emphasize here is that you are making the best you; if you are doing the right things at the gym. If you are not doing the right things, hey, if you are satisfied with looking out of balance, maybe you should find another discipline than bodybuilding. This sport is about building the perfect body. Don’t get me wrong, all bodies aren’t going to look the same. Your perfect body won’t look exactly like anyone else’s, but it will be the right one for you, if you pay attention to your proportions and make them right.

Proportionality is one of the pillars of the RIPPED system, because I think it is a foundation of bodybuilding. Next time you are in the gym take a look around and I am sure you will agree; the best physiques are proportional.

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